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Trump's Deception

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{It really is|It truly is|It can be} becoming more apparent today that if a person is poor or becomes so impoverished you are more than likely {condemned|bound} to a life of misery and desolation. {Simply no|Zero|Not any} longer are their {strategies|techniques|paths} of opportunity awaiting {at the rear of|in back of|lurking behind} every door. Even with {college or university|school} degrees in the current society graduates are no longer {going to|sure to} land living wage {job in|opportunities in} their field of study. {Presently there is merely|Right now there is merely|Generally there is merely} not the of employment opportunities that even come {near} even providing not only employment but living wages. This is one of the most depressing times still for all who need living wage jobs. When there still remains such a vacuum of employment opportunities it becomes {a lessons|a class|an idea} in futility. We can go to any city in any {section of the|area of the|portion of the} country and find multitudes that are so impoverished. In this {era|time period} it is unconscionable that so many Americans are left so destitute. With Trump leading the way he has made it possible to usher in deep {slashes|reductions|slices} in our public services. Services that can produce a difference so that our citizens won't go hungry, become homeless, or have their utilities {slice|minimize|lower} off through no {problem|mistake|wrong doing} of their own.

The politics of wealth spreads throughout in every election all across {america|the us}. Just look at what is {occurring|taking place|going on} all over the country. Republican led legislatures have all conspired against the poor, the destitute, the feeble and even our seniors. The politics of wealth controls the destinies of so many. {Once|When ever|The moment} legislatures abolished multi {affiliate|customer|call} districts they have made it all {very easy|really easy} to rig elections. With {billion dollars|million} dollar donors, these {electric power|electricity|ability} brokers, have made it to easy for the entrenched politician, mainly the Republicans, reign supreme over any one who opposes them. In their {crazy|angry|upset} frenzy for power and control too many of our elected officials today are all consumed by greed. Their unquenchable {being thirsty|desire} for money {is merely} satisfied by the special interest groups and corporate lobbyists funds that keep {flowing|serving|putting} in. With recent {best|great|substantial} court rulings have made it abundantly clear that money flowing like {drinking water|normal water} into the career political figures campaigns is the {control|rule|master} factor in elections today. Money, gets it's way {in each and every|in every single|atlanta divorce attorneys} election.

When our country was founded little did our founding {dads|daddies} envision any time {two hundred|2 hundred} years our democratic republic would succumb to Overcome and the greed of people to control, {change|adjust|shape}, coerce, and deceive the public. Form governmental {guidelines|plans|procedures} {which may have|that contain} ignored the {jobless|out of work|laid-off} of so many {in support of|for|in favour of} more wealth for {just a few|only some|just one or two} have all but worn away the core values of our democracy. Many are now convinced {which our|our} democracy cannot survive unless a complete reform in {Authorities is|Federal government is|Govt is} undertaken. A {Country wide|State|Domestic} Economic Reform initiative with comprehensive campaign finance change incorporated within is essential in preserving our democratic {life-style|lifestyle|life style} that was {meant|designed|planned} when our nation was young. Yet, both the Democratic and the Conservatives {seem to be} unaware of the plain facts {which our|our} {entire|complete} political system needs complete reform.

There {remains|is still|has been} blatant disregard for {the overall|the typical} public's welfare when legislatures now routinely ignore their matters concerns. A {latest|newest|most current} example occurred in the Florida's legislature when it {exceeded|approved|handed} {a significant|an important|a serious} rewrite of {condition|express|point out} environmental laws which actually {managed to get|caused it to be|achieved it} much easier for big business to {disregard|dismiss} environmental requirements {which were|that have been|that had been} recently in {location to|destination to} protect the environment. With the Overcome Administration it has only solidified {the truth|the very fact|the simple fact} that environmental protection is not a priority. In fact they may have cut much needed funding {that could|that will|that might} go a long way in protecting {the environment|kinds of living conditions}. When the Florida bill was {exceeded|approved|handed} it was {made for|suitable for} the sole purpose to {disregard|dismiss} 

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