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The Essence Of American FREEDOM

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{Once|When ever|The moment} politics, and political daily activities, become more significant to certain public officials, and/ or citizens, than what the core meaning, and mission, of America, has always been, we risk, entering a period, where we end up, {wrecking|eliminating|doing damage to} all, that has always been unique, important, significant, and relevant, to this nation! The United {Says|Claims|Areas} of America, although, {much|significantly|considerably} from perfect, has always stood out, in the world, {due to} principles, it represented, {as well as|as well as its|and its particular} dedication to human rights of all people, as well as our welcoming, Melting {Container|Weed|Pan}, focus. Those who {strive to|keep pace with} polarize, and pit one group of Americans against another, are abandoning the very essence, of North american FREEDOM. With that in mind, this post will attempt to review, consider, and briefly discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this is so essential to what, our {nationwide|countrywide} represents, and the {commitment|determination|devotion} to liberty, and {proper rights|rights|the law}, for all!

1 ) Faithful; factual; future; fresh: If we {conclude|wrap up} {leaving|breaking} our principles, and are unsuccessful to remain faithful, to our core protections of all of America's liberties and liberties, then, as George Carlin, famously, {mentioned|explained}, The terrorists win. {Just how can|How do|How could} we ask other {countries|nations around the world|international locations} to place more emphasis, on human rights, if/ when, we place less {to them|with them|about them}, than we {ever before|at any time} have! Whether one {backed|reinforced|recognized} Donald Trump, or compared him, when he {went|leaped|happened to run} for President, there can be little doubt, his rhetoric and vitriol, have often, been opposed to {many of these} core beliefs. In addition, when the man, holding the highest office in the land, {places|areas|vacation rentals} to blaming, and {worrying|stressing|moaning}, and calling anything, which he perceives, as {rival|resisting|disagree} him, as Fake {Details|Information|Specifics}, rather than proceeding, in a factual way, {the ongoing future of|the continuing future of} democracy, as we know it, becomes threatened! Today, we need, leaders with a willingness to {continue|move forward|carry on}, with fresh ideas, and a give attention to freedom, and equal {privileges|protection under the law}!

installment payments on your Relevant; rational; reasoning: {We want|We require|We really need} leaders who look to the near future, in a relevant, sustainable way, a willingness, to {continue|move forward|carry on} with rational, rather than populist, and/ or {personal|do it yourself|home} - serving leadership! {We have to|We must|We should} be served and {displayed|symbolized|showed}, by individuals, whose {thinking|thought}, focuses on the common good, rather than {personal|do it yourself|home} - interest, or personal/ political agenda!

3. {Improve|Enhance|Greatly improve}; excellence: Freedom - {concentrated|centered|targeted} leaders {strive to|keep pace with} {constantly} {improve|enhance|greatly improve} all Americans, and never settling for good - enough, while emphasizing the most degree of personal excellence!

4. Empathy; {stimulate|fortify}: Rather than assuming they have all the answers, we need to be attracted to office - seekers, who {are prepared to|are able to|are going to} effectively listen, and learn. and proceed with genuine {sympathy|accord|agape}! Shouldn't these individuals {stimulate|fortify} us, by articulating a freedom - based {concept|communication|meaning}?

5. Deliver: Demand those representing you, under - promise, and over - deliver, is to do, so, in a positive, inclusive way!

6. {Choices|Alternatives}; opportunities; open - oriented: Americans would be better served and represented, if those elected, examined multiple options, and opportunities, with an open - {brain|head}, and dedicated themselves, to protecting everyone's freedoms!

{several|six}. Motivation; make mark: {Somewhat|Alternatively} than inspiring polarization, demand they {give attention to} motivating all of us, to come together, for {the normal|the most popular|the regular} good! How will each person, generate some momentum?

We must {lso are|re also} - dedicate, ourselves, to the essence of our, American FREEDOM. {Are you going to|Can you|Would you like to} demand, those you elect, make that commitment?

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