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Poverty in Africa, a Major Global Concern

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Poverty in Africa"{Low income|Lower income|Thankfully} in Africa does not only refer to the lack of luxuries and fine things that {the folks|the individuals|those} of developed and many developing nations {have got|own} today, but the situation in Africa is way {much deeper|further|more deeply} and uglier than what one suspects it to be. Poverty in The african continent in its truest sense means, even the {insufficient|not enough|deficiency of} basic amenities such as clean drinking water, sanitization and enough food to survive. {Like a|Being a|As being a} fun {truth|reality|simple fact}, an average European {resident|person} earns three times of what an average {African-american|Black} does by burning all his sweat, blood and with it, the dreams of {an improved} life.


Now one may {feel that} Africa, which is a naturally endowed place with such a fertile {fertile|cultivable} land that is {packed with} naturally occurring gems, such as exquisite emeralds and blindingly splendid diamonds should be the richest place on {our planet|the planet earth|the entire world} then, where are they exactly heading wrong?

The reason, simply is based on the mismanagement of their land and resources. Major {servings|helpings|parts} of their land {is situated|is|is placed} with the deceased {Western|Western european|American} ancestors and the {indigenous|local} Africans are merely {staff|personnel} there. {Research|A report} shows that more than 82% {fertile|cultivable} land in S. the african continent is owned by {Western|Western european|American} descendants who used {to use|to hire|to utilize} the natives to do farming.

Even when {African-american|Black} nations are given {helps|supports|assists} by developed countries such as US, their {authorities|federal government|govt} uses it to acquire more weapons and {battle|conflict|warfare} craft or to {pay back|repay|pay up} their never ending {financial obligations|debt|bills} {rather than} providing basic amenities to its citizens and {boost their|enhance their} state of living.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Poverty in Africa"One more that {causes|brings about} the exploitation of work force,, labor force in Africa is the ease of availability of the same. When an employer {will find|will get} a cheap and enthusiastic child who is ready to do the same job for lesser bucks {when compared with|in comparison with|as compared with} his senior counterpart, why will anyone turn such a potential employee away? {In this|In that} scenario, it is essential that their government {models|pieces|packages} some basic minimum {income|salary|pay} to be paid to each labor and {legislation|what the law states} should be enforced with strictness as well {to improve|to alter|to modify} the state of their workforce for better.


There are various {sick|unwell} effects of the {limitless|never ending} poverty in Africa.

{1|A single|One particular} of the foremost concerns of African nations is the emergence and {common|wide-spread|popular} of various diseases. {Many|Just about all} of the people {declining|perishing|passing away} in Africa are {credited|scheduled|anticipated} to water-born and air-borne diseases, yet there {are not any|will be no} {enough|satisfactory} steps taken by their government to ensure better medical facilities or low-cost treatments. Another cause of concern in The african continent is the widespread of sexually transmitted diseases {credited|scheduled|anticipated} to the lack of awareness and rigid {methods|procedures|techniques} of tribal communities. {Because|Since|While} per a study, 3 thousands Africans die {daily|everyday} {credited|scheduled|anticipated} to AIDS.

Amongst {other activities|other items|other stuff} to worry about, The african continent remains a hot {place|area|location} for wars both {municipal|city|detrimental} wars and also the conflicts between the countries.

Also, their monsoon-climate {causes|brings about} a lot of natural disasters {creating|triggering} loss of life, agricultural land and livestock. However, {the consequence of|the consequences of} natural disasters {can certainly|may easily} be {handled|manipulated} through better management by their countrymen and {just a little|slightly|a bit} awareness.

That's all for today, hope this made you think at least once about the people who are less {lucky|privileged|fortuitous} than us and be thankful for the wonderful lives that we are blessed with.

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